/manager/Index en-au 5 Growing trees from compact subgroups /manager/Repository/uon:54985 Wed 27 Mar 2024 16:31:05 AEDT ]]> On the residual and profinite closures of commensurated subgroups /manager/Repository/uon:41626 Tue 09 Aug 2022 11:36:23 AEST ]]> Approximating simple locally compact groups by their dense locally compact subgroups /manager/Repository/uon:42564 H that admit a continuous embedding with dense image into some G ∈ S that is, we consider the dense locally compact subgroups of groups G ∈ S. We identify a class ℛ of almost simple groups that properly contains S and is moreover stable under passing to a non-discrete dense locally compact subgroup. We show that ℛ enjoys many of the same properties previously obtained for S and establish various original results for ℛ that are also new for the subclass S, notably concerning the structure of the local Sylow subgroups and the full automorphism group.]]> Thu 25 Aug 2022 11:46:28 AEST ]]> Locally normal subgroups of totally disconnected groups. Part I: general theory /manager/Repository/uon:34494 Thu 22 Aug 2024 10:21:36 AEST ]]> Locally normal subgroups of totally disconnected groups. Part II: compactly generated simple groups /manager/Repository/uon:34493 Thu 22 Aug 2024 09:58:14 AEST ]]> Locally normal subgroups of simple locally compact groups /manager/Repository/uon:16383 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:06:18 AEDT ]]> Limits of contraction groups and the tits core /manager/Repository/uon:20792 ϯ of a totally disconnected locally compact group G is defined as the abstract subgroup generated by the closures of the contraction groups of all its elements. We show that a dense subgroup is normalised by the Tits core if and only if it contains it. It follows that every dense subnormal subgroup contains the Tits core. In particular, if G is topologically simple, then the Tits core is abstractly simple, and when Gϯ is non-trivial, it is the smallest dense normal subgroup. The proofs are based on the fact, of independent interest, that the map which associates to an element the closure of its contraction group is continuous.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:05:59 AEDT ]]>